All America Bank Online Banking eGuide
Secure Delivery We can verify your identity by sending an SAC to you by text message, voice call or email address. Within Security Preferences, you can make changes to your delivery preferences or add new for us to contact you.
In the Settings tab, click Security Preferences . 1. Click the Secure Delivery button. 2. Make changes to a secure delivery method by clicking the
icon to make
changes, or the icon to delete a secure delivery method. 3. Add a new delivery contact by clicking either the + Add Contact button. 4. Enter your new contact information and click the Save button when you are finished to save your changes. Note: Never share your Secure Access Code (SAC) with anyone. All America Bank staff will never request that you share your Secure Access Code (SAC). If you are asked for your Secure Access Code (SAC), it is fraud. Reach out to All America Bank at 888-210-2028 for assitance.
Security: Security Preferences
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