Alliance Bank & Trust Online & Mobile Personal Banking User's Guide

Recurring Funds Transfer

Do you wish you could remember to transfer money to your savings account each month? Are you in the habit of transferring money to your checking account when you sit down to pay your bills? Recurring transfers make life easy by automating this task on a date that you specify.

1 | To make a recurring transfer, begin just as you would with a one-time transfer, by completing the Transfer From , Transfer To , Amount and Description (optional) of the transfer. 2 | Open Enter Transfer Frequency by clicking the box at the right of the bar. Next, select the details for your recurring transfer, including Frequency and Start Date . 3 | Choose how often the payment should occur by choosing the frequency: “weekly payment” or “monthly payment” and by choosing to initiate the payment every “x” of weeks/months.

4 | Check which day of the week/month you want this payment to go through on.

5 | Indicate when you want the payment to start and end by using the calendar icons as well as choosing No end date , End after , or End on .

6 | When finished, click Submit to process your transfer. To complete your transaction, click Approve on the next screen. Note: To manage your recurring transfers, click “recurring” in the transaction menu. From there you can choose to stop a recurring transfer if needed.


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