Access National Bank Commercial and Treasury Online Banking Guide


Create a User

Users are easy to create. Giving each individual their own login to your online banking accounts gives you the ability to restrict accounts that they can see and functions that they can perform.

To Create a New User:

Click on Users . 1. To create a new user click Add User on the right. 2. Be sure to input a unique login ID and password. 3. You can assign a User Role at this point or leave it unassigned and assign it later. 4. When finished, click Save . 5. After a user is created, click the icon to approve or assign the role. Unapproved users are orange. You can also Deactivate or Delete the user here. 6. Here you can edit role assignment of new or existing users. Click

Approve or Reject Role . You can also Deactivate or Delete the user here.

Users can edit their personal information through the Update Profile tab fromwithin their own account.


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