High Country Bank Digital Banking Business User Guide
In the Business Banking tab, click Positive Pay . 1. Click an exception. 2. Select the appropriate decision.
• Approve: May be used for High Check Number, Low Check Number, Amount Exceeds Limit or Stale Check exceptions. May also be used if you choose not to “Fix” an item. • Fix: Used to fix “reading” errors. For example, the paid check number is 123 but reads as 128. The fix would be to change the number on the paid check so it matches the uploaded check information (or manually entered check information). Fix is used to fix the “Paid Not Issued” exception. The fix would be adding the check issue that was not uploaded or manually entered. • Return: Used to advise the Bank that you are returning the check for one of the following reasons: Fraud (check was not issued by the account holder). Altered (check was issued by the account holder but was altered). The check was Stale dated.
Positive Pay: Managing Exceptions
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