Morgantown Bank & Trust Digital Banking User Guide

Getting Started10
Digital Banking System Requirements10
Browser (Desktop & Mobile)10
Mobile Device (App)10
Mobile Remote Deposit Capture10
New User Enrollment11
Logging In12
Logging Off12
Resetting a Forgotten Password13
Retrieve a Forgotten Username14
Dashboard Overview15
Account Details Overview16
Transaction Details17
Adding a New Account19
Adding an Account to My Money20
Adding an External Account21
Removing an External Account23
Opening a New Account24
Organize Dashboard26
Reorder Accounts26
Rename Accounts27
Hide/Unhide Accounts28
Hide/Unhide Dashboard Tiles29
App Appearance30
Quick Pay31
Selecting Favorite Payees31
Person to Person32
Bill Pay34
External Account36
Monthly Activity38
My Money39
Initial Setup39
Tagging Transactions40
Splitting a Transaction42
My Money Dashboard44
Spending by Category45
Adding Budgets48
Managing Budgets49
Add a Budget Alert51
Cashflow Overview52
Add a Bill or Income53
Net Worth54
Add an Unlinked Asset or Debt55
Adding Goals57
Save for Goals57
Pay Off Goals58
Add a Goal Alert59
Managing Goals60
Protecting Your Information61
General Guidelines61
Login ID and Password61
Fraud Prevention61
Login Settings62
Change Username62
Change Password63
Change Security Questions64
Recent Logins65
Mobile Security Preferences66
Enabling Biometric Sign-In66
Enabling FaceID67
Enabling PIN Login68
Alerts Overview70
Custom Alerts71
Bill Pay Alerts72
Security Alerts73
My Money Alerts74
Turning Alerts On and Off75
Editing or Deleting Alerts76
Previous Alerts77
Move Money78
Move Money Overview78
Bill Pay Enrollment79
Adding a Payee81
Person to Person Payee81
Bill Pay Payee - Company83
Bill Pay Payee - Individual85
Favoriting a Payee88
Editing a Payee89
Deleting a Payee90
New Transaction91
Transferring Money Between Your Accounts91
Making a Loan Payment93
Transferring Money to Another Person (P2P)95
Making a Bill Pay Payment97
Editing Transfers/Payments99
Skip Transfers/Payments100
Deleting Transfers/Payments101
New ACH Batch102
Part 1: Creating an ACH Batch102
Part 2: Adding an Existing Participant104
Part 3: Adding a Detailed Record105
Part 4: Finalizing the ACH Batch107
Part 5: Scheduling the ACH Batch108
Part 6: Reviewing the ACH Batch109
Part 7: Multi-Factor Authentication110
Creating an ACH Template111
Part 1: Creating an ACH Template111
Part 2: Adding an Existing Participant113
Part 3: Adding a Detail Record114
Part 4: Finalizing an ACH Template116
Part 5: Reviewing an ACH Template117
Initiating a Template118
Part 1: Initiating a Template118
Part 2: Scheduling an ACH Batch120
Part 3: Reviewing an ACH Batch121
Part 4: Multi-Factor Authentication122
Editing an ACH Template123
Deleting an ACH Template124
ACH File Upload125
Creating a Template for Delimiter Separated File Uploads127
Editing a Template for Delimiter Separated File Uploads129
Deleting a Template for Delimiter Separated File Uploads130
Uploading a Delimiter Separated File131
Editing an ACH Batch134
Deleting an ACH Batch135
Approving an ACH Batch136
Reversing an ACH Batch137
Deposit Checks139
Remote Deposit139
Manage Cards140
Turn Card On or Off140
Card Name141
Card Alert142
Temporary Spending Limit Increase143
Change PIN144
Report Lost or Stolen Card145
Travel Notification146
Enable Automatic On/Off148
Send an Invoice151
Edit Invoice Draft153
Mark Invoice as Paid154
Copy Invoice155
Email Invoice157
Cancel Invoice158
Edit Recurring Schedule159
Pause Recurring Schedule161
Resume Recurring Schedule162
Cancel Recurring Schedule163
Export Invoices164
New Estimate165
Edit an Estimate167
Email an Estimate169
Create an Invoice from an Estimate170
Cancel an Estimate172
Export Estimates173
Add a Customer174
Import Customers175
Export Customers176
Edit a Customer177
Archive a Customer179
Invoice Balance Details181
New Product/Service182
Edit Product/Service183
Delete Product/Service185
Invoice Settings186
Edit Invoice Reminders and Fees187
Payment Form Settings189
Share Your Payment Form Link190
Email Your Payment Form Link191
Refund a Payment193
Cancel a Payment194
Add a Vendor195
Import Vendors196
Export Vendors197
Edit a Vendor198
Archive a Vendor200
Pay Vendor Invoice202
New Vendor Invoices204
Cancel Invoice206
Print a Check207
Cancel a Check208
Creating a New Report210
Account Activity Report210
Sub-User Account Access Report211
Running an Existing Report212
Editing a Report213
Deleting a Report214
Secure Message Overview216
Sending a Secure Message217
Submit a Form218
Document Enrollment219
Viewing Documents220
Contact Settings222
Adding a New Phone222
Editing a Phone223
Deleting a Phone224
Editing an Email Address225
Sub-Users Overview226
Sub-User Overview227
Adding a New Sub-User228
Editing a Sub-User230
Part 1: Editing Sub-User Access231
Part 2: Editing Sub-User Limits232
Deleting a Sub-User233

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