Republic Bank Business Online Banking and Mobile App User Guide


Transaction Monitoring ACH Authorization Rules Setup

ACH Authorization Rules Setup is used to define all pre-authorized ACH transaction rules for an account. In order to generate exceptions for ACH items, at least one ACH rule must be configured. During the initial configuration of the product, most clients will wish to generate exceptions for all incoming ACH items and then create an approved list of companies as specific transactions are posted. If you desire to manage your approved list in this manner, you may consider creating an ACH rule for all credits for all standard entry class codes with a maximum allowable amount of $0.01. This rule will then create exceptions for all debit entries and all credit entries greater than $0.01. You may then further refine your rules as items hit your account.

Create an ACH Authorization Rule


Click the System Reports tab, then ACH Authorization Rules . 1. Click the icon.

Transaction Monitoring: ACH Authorization Rules Setup

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