Valley Republic Bank Business Online Banking eGuide

Aquick and easy guide to BusinessOnlineBanking

PublishedbyMurphy&Company, Inc. 13610Barrett OfficeDr. St. Louis,MO 63021

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AQuickandEasyGuide to BusinessOnlineBanking

Welcome!Whether you’reat home, atworkor on the road,wearehere for you 24hoursaday, 7daysaweekwithourOnlineBankingandBill Payment services. Thisguide isdesigned tohelp youanswer your questionsabout howBusiness OnlineBankingcanhelpmanage your financesonline. Inaddition toaccessing your account informationand transferring fundsonline, you’ll alsobeable to export account information tofinancialmanagement software, suchas Quicken ® orQuickBooks ® , andpay your billsonline. After becomingaBusiness OnlineBankingcustomer, you’ll find youareable to reduce theamount of time spentmanaging your finances. Welcome, andwehope youenjoy thisquickandconvenient guide toBusiness OnlineBanking.


TableOf Contents

General Information Security .................................................................................................................................................3–4 GettingStarted& Logging In ..................................................................................................................5 Accounts Account Overview ....................................................................................................................................6 Account History ........................................................................................................................................7 OnlineActivity .......................................................................................................................................8–9 Statements...............................................................................................................................................10 Transactions Funds Transfer ........................................................................................................................................11 Bill PayOverview....................................................................................................................................12 SinglePayment ......................................................................................................................................13 ScheduleTransactions..........................................................................................................................14 RecurringPayments ..............................................................................................................................15 TransactionHistory ...............................................................................................................................16 Calendar... ................................................................................................................................................17 Commercial Recipients.................................................................................................................................................18 SingleACHPayment ..............................................................................................................................19 SingleACHReceipt ................................................................................................................................20 Payroll .....................................................................................................................................................21 MultipleACHPayments.........................................................................................................................22 MultipleACHReceipts...........................................................................................................................23 WireTransfer ..........................................................................................................................................24 InternationalWire...................................................................................................................................25 PositivePay .............................................................................................................................................26 Services SecureMessage.....................................................................................................................................27 AddressChange......................................................................................................................................28 StopPayments ........................................................................................................................................29 Reorder Checks.......................................................................................................................................30 Preferences Account ...................................................................................................................................................31 Alerts ........................................................................................................................................................32 Subsidiaries .............................................................................................................................................33 User ..........................................................................................................................................................34 User Rights...............................................................................................................................................35 Bill PayManagement.............................................................................................................................36 MobileBanking .......................................................................................................................................37 Security ...................................................................................................................................................40



OnlineBankingSafety Tips > Ensure your web browser, operating system, anti-virus software and other applications are current and support 128-bit encryption. > Memorize your passwords. > Exit your Online Banking sessionwhen finished. > Do not leave your computer unattendedwhen logged intoOnline Banking. > Do not use public computers or unsecuredWiFi when accessingOnline Banking. > If you receive an error when logged into your Online Banking account, report the error to customer service. Inaddition to your personal password security, your financial institutionhas addedadditional securitymeasureswithBrowser Registration. Browser Registration strengthens the safeguards inplaceat loginby addingadditional steps to verify your identity. Although these security enhancements are benefiting youand your security, youprobablywill not notice themduring your regular day-to-day experience. By followingour tips, OnlineBankingcanbea safeandefficientmethod for handling your bankingneeds. User IdentificationandPassword Security starts at your computer. Never share your login IDor passwordwith anyone.Make sure your password is hard toguess by combining random numbers and letters insteadof using your birthdate, pet’s nameor other obvious clues. SecureSockets Layer Encryption (SSL) This technology scrambles dataas it travels between your computer and your financial institution, making it difficult for anyone toaccess your account information. SSL is a trustedmethodof securing internet transactions. Browser Registration



FraudPreventionTips > Do not open email attachments or click on a link from unsolicited sources. > Avoid completing email forms or messages that ask for personal or financial information. > Do not trust an email asking you to use a link for verification of login or account details. > Monitor your account transactions for unauthorized use. > Shred old financial information, invoices, charge receipts, checks, unwanted pre-approved credit offers and expired charge cards before disposing of them. > Contact the sender by phone if you are suspicious of an email attachment. Your financial institutionwill never sendunsolicitedemails asking you to provide, update, or verify personal or confidential information via returnemail. If you receiveanemail inquiry allegedly from your financial institution, please report the incident toacustomer service representativeas quickly as possible. Tomitigate the risk of online fraudand identity theft, your first andbest protection is awareness. Phishing Phishing is anonline scam tactic that is used to lureusers intounknowingly providingpersonal data, suchas credit card informationor login IDs and passwords. Using spoof (look-a-like) emails andwebsites, the tacticattempts to gain the trust of unsuspecting targets andconvince them that vital information is being requestedby a vendor theymay already havea relationshipwith, such It is important that our customers areawareof thedangers of identity theft. Identity theft canoccurwhencriminals findaway to steal your personal or other identifying informationandassume theuseof that data toaccess your personal accounts, opennewaccounts, apply for credit in your name, purchasemerchandiseandcommit other fraudor relatedcrimes using your identity. as their bank. Identity Theft


GettingStarted& Logging In

If this is your first time logging in, clickNewUser. Enter your Login ID, leave the “Password” fieldblank, check the “I ama First TimeUser” box andclick Login. Select onecontact from the list that youcan immediately access andour systemwill deliver youa temporarySecureAccessCodewithinminutes. Note: If all of thecontact informationwehaveon file is inaccurateor out-of- date, youcannot proceedany further.

What is aSecureAccessCode? ASecureAccessCode is aone-timeusecode, that allows you to securely login toour OnlineBanking system. It is delivered to you viaemail, phonecall or SMS text. If youare logging in for the first time, youwill beprompted tocreateanewpassword. SecureAccessCodes arealso used if youdelete the security certificateor “cookie” thatwe’ve storedon your computer, or if you request login fromacomputer not setup for repeateduse. Choosing “activatemy computer for later use” authorizes us to storea security certificateon your computerwhichwill speedup the verificationprocess in the future, andeliminate theneed touseaSecureAccessCodeoneach login.


Account Overview

Account Overviewwill provide youwithaquick viewof your accounts and balances. Here youcanmakeaquick transfer betweenaccounts, viewpending transactions andevencheck your securemessages.

1 | Clickanyof themenu items toexpandor collapseeachdrop-down item.

2 | If youhaveanyunreadSecureMessages, itwill be indicatedhere.

3 | Hover over theQuickAction Icon next to your account to viewa varietyof standardoptions.

ViewHistory: Aquick link to thehistoryof that account. AccountDetails: View thedetailsof that account. Pending Items: Displays transactions that arecurrentlypending for thisaccount. Transfer From: Aquick transfer from that account. Transfer To: Aquick transfer to that account. Print: Print the transactionhistoryof that account. 4 | If anyof your account namesare shown in redwithanasterisk, there isat least onepending transaction in that account.


Account History

OnlineBankingallows you toconveniently access ahistory of your account transactions, always keeping you in the knowwith your account balances. Tobegin, double-click theaccount name youwish to view from theAccount Overviewpage. Youmay also select ViewHistory from theQuickAction Icon. Quickly switchbetweenaccounts by selectinganaccount from theAccount drop-downmenuandclick on Submit .

1 | Quicklyexpandor collapse thePendingorPosted sectionsbyclickingon the Plus/Minus button. 2 | Change theway you view yourAccountHistory from theoptionsavailable in theSearch drop-downmenu. Youmayalso search for transactionsbychecknumber, date, amount or evendescription!

3| Viewcheck imagesbyclickingon the MagnifyingGlass Icon .

4 |Want toexport yourAccountHistory?Click theDisplaydrop-downmenuandselect Export . Then select your export format (spreadsheet, Quicken ® , Quickbooks ® , etc.) and click Submit . Prefer toprint?Simplyclick theprinter icon!



OnlineActivity quickly organizes all transactions youoriginatedonline. This includes account transfers, wire transfers, ACHandmore. From theOnline Activitymenu, youcangroup items by category, viewall transactions, approve drafted transactions andcancel authorizedor drafted transactions. Pleasenote that oncea transaction is processed it can’t becancelled.

1 | Hover over the QuickAction Icon to viewadrop-downmenuwithmoreoptions.

2 | Selectinga transactionwill allow you to view, approve, copyor cancel the item.

3 | Clickingon ViewTransaction will allow you to seemoredetails regarding the transactionalongwithproviding you theability toeither approve, cancel, copyor print.



Your OnlineActivity transaction statusmay vary from item to item. Tohelp you better understandwhat eachof theOnlineTransactionStatus termsmean, we’ve includedahelpful guide touseas yougrowaccustomed to the feature.

Active: Any transactiongeneratedonline that has been initiatedwithin the lastweek or is ina status that still allows action tobe taken. Any transaction that has beenput inapending (Drafted) stateby theuser andcan still beeither approvedor cancelled. Authorized: Whena transaction, suchas funds transfer, has beenapproved by auserwithapproval rights, the transactiondisplays in the Authorizedcategory inOnlineActivity. Authorized indicates that you are ready for your financial institution to process the transaction. Cancelled: Whena transaction, suchas funds transfer, has beencancelledby auser from theTransactionDetails page, the transactiondisplays in theCancelledcategory inOnlineActivity. Processed: Whena transaction, suchas funds transfer, has beenapprovedby auserwithapproval rights and then later processedby your financial institution, the transactiondisplays in theProcessed category inOnlineActivity. Drafted:

Any transaction thatmight havebeenunsuccessful, or does not fall under theprevious categories.




TheeStatements feature is agreat virtual filing system, savingpaper and space in your homeor officeby allowing you to viewand save your statements electronically. Toenroll in theeStatement feature, click onStatements and complete the registrationdocument.Within 24 hours, youwill beapproved for theeStatement feature.

Beginbychoosing Statements from theAccountsmenu.

1 | Select theaccount you’d like to viewandclick Submit. Youcaneven saveandprint your statement!



OnlineBankingenables you to transfer funds betweenaccounts quickly andeasily.

1 | Start by selecting the From and To Accounts. Enter your desired TransferDate , or use thehandycalendar feature.Next, enter the Amount you’d like to transfer. If you’d like, enter aDescriptionof the transfer for future reference.

2 | Click Submit toprocess your Transfer.Next clickon Approve in thesubmit transaction screen.


Bill PayOverview

WithOnlineBill Pay, it’s safe, fast andeasy tomanage your finances on your own terms. Now youcandoeverything youneed to fromhome, work or anywhere youhave internet access. Plus, you’renot limited tobusiness hours— OnlineBill Pay is open 24 hours aday, 7 days aweek! ClickMakePayments to get startedmakingpayments online.



Process a one-time payment for one ormore payees from a single screen. There’s no need to hasslewith checks, stamps and envelopes—send the payment with a few clicks of yourmouse. Click theSinglePayment button to get started.

1 | Under theSinglePaymentmenu, select For aBill .

2 | Chooseapayeeunder the Payee List .

3 | Choose the Account youwish touse from thedrop-downmenuandenter the Amount .

4 | Pick the Amount and ProcessDate for thepayment.

5 |Whenfinished, click Submit . Youwill see your payment confirmed.



Transactions can be easily scheduled and edited using our online system. Simply chooseScheduled Transactions under thePayments tab to begin.

Toedit a scheduledpayment:

1 | Click Edit next to thedesiredpayment.

2 | Change From Account , Amount and/or ProcessDate , dependingonyour need.

3 |Whenfinished, click Submit .



For bills that occur on a regular basis and have the same payment amount each time, such as yourmortgage or car loan, you can save time by setting up automatic recurring payments. You’ll have the convenience of automatic payments, but the flexibility to cancel or change the details as needed. Click theRecurringPayment button to get started.

1 | Under theRecurringPaymentmenu, choose For aBill .

2 | Select apayee from the Payee List .

3 | Choose Pay From account byusing thedrop-downmenu, thenenter the Amount.

4 | Choose PayBefore or PayAfter , should thepayment fall onaholiday.

5 | Choose the Frequency of thepayment byusing thedrop-downmenu.

6 | Indicatehow long the transfer shouldcontinue.

7 |Whenfinished, click Submit . Youwill see your payment confirmed.



View your TransactionHistorywith a few simple clicks of yourmouse. Once bills are paid, youmay conduct specific searches to view and sort your payment history.

1 | To view your TransactionHistory , fill out thenecessaryfields.

2 | Click View to see resultsof your search.



With theCalendar feature, you are able to easily keep track of payments, transfers and deposits through a simplemonth-by-month calendar.Within the date you can click on the amount shown and viewmore details, so you are never in the dark.



Recipients are persons or businesses towhich your ACHOriginations or Wire Transfers are sent. In order to use theACH/Wire feature, youmust first create recipients. Each recipient entry contains the recipient’s bank information, their account andwhether it will be a debit or credit.

Click the Recipients link to begin.

1 | Select AddRecipient .

2 | The secondary screenwill display required fields pertaining to the new recipient. To create an International Recipient, click in the box provided. To create a payment for a recipient, click AddPayment . To receive a noticewhen a payment has been processed, select Send E-mail Notification . Click Submit when finished. 3 |When choosing to add an International Recipient, be aware that the required fields will change.

Note: International Recipients can only be used for international wires.



WithOnlineBanking, you are able to send funds through theACH transfer system. AnACH payment is a one-time payment commonly used to expedite direct deposit of payroll, pay bills or transfer funds from other financial institutions.

Click the SinglePayment link to begin.

1 | From the Recipient drop-downmenu, select whom to send the payment.

2 | Enter the Date which to send theACH payment and the Amount to be debited from the Account chosen in the drop-downmenu. The posting datewill appear in the EffectiveDate box.

3 | Enter the necessaryAccount information for the recipient.

4 | Review all information.When finished, click Continue .



You can also receive funds through theACH transfer system. ReceivingACH Payments is just as easy as sending them.

Click the SingleReceipt link to begin.

1 | From the Payor drop-downmenu, select whom to receive the payment from.

2 | Enter the Amount and Date which to request payment. The posting datewill appear in EffectiveDate box.

3 | Select the Account which to receive the payment.

4 | Review all information.When finished, click Continue .



Process payments to all your employees from one convenient screen. Paying employees by direct deposit is a time-saving convenience for both you and the employee.

Click the Payroll link to begin.

1 | Notice that youmay use a batch that already exists, or create a new one.

2 | From the drop-downmenus, select a Group to pay, alongwith the Account from which to debit the payments and the Date to send the payment. The posting date will appear in the EffectiveDate box. 3 | To omit a recipient from this batch, uncheck the box next to their name. You can also click the recipient’s name to edit their profile.

4 | Enter the payment Amount for each recipient.

5 | Review all information.When finished, click Submit .



Process batch payments tomany recipients at the same timewith a batch template. This is normally used to pay vendors, invoices or non-payroll recipients.

Click the Payments link to begin.

1 | Notice that youmay use a batch that already exists, or create a new one.

2 | From the drop-downmenus, select a group to Pay From , alongwith the Account fromwhich to debit the payments and the EffectiveDate to send the payment. 3 | To omit a recipient from this batch, uncheck the box next to their name. You can also click the recipient’s name to edit their profile. Select the box next to Notify if youwish to notify the recipient by email of each transaction.

4 | Enter the payment Amount for each recipient.

5 | Review all information.When finished, click Submit .



Process batchACH collections (debits) frommany recipients directly from their accounts at the same time in the form of a batch template.

Click the Payments link to begin.

1 | Notice that youmay use a batch that already exists, or create a new one.

2 | From the drop-downmenus, select a group to Pay To , alongwith the Account from which to debit the payments and the Date to send the payment. The posting date will appear in the EffectiveDate box. 3 | To omit a recipient from this batch, uncheck the box next to their name. You can also click the recipient’s name to edit their profile. Select the box next to Notify if youwish to notify the recipient by email of each transaction.

4 | Enter the payment Amount for each recipient.

5 | Review all information.When finished, click Submit .



TheWire Transfer service provides an online template for creating individual wire transfer payments. Awire is an order to pay funds electronically and is amore immediate payment instrument than anACH transaction. Thus, wire transfers generally involve larger payments and/or a shorter payment schedule.

Click the Wire Transfer link to begin.

1 | Choose the recipient for theWire Transfer request.

2 | From the drop-downmenus, select a Group to pay, alongwith the Account from which to debit the payments and the EffectiveDate to send the payment. Next, enter the Amount .

3 | Enter required information forwhomwill be receiving the transfer.

4 | Review all information.When finished, click Submit .



The International (SWIFT)Wire Transfer service provides an online template for creating andmoving funds between accounts at different financial institutions. Transfers can be scheduled for the current day or a future date. Pending transfers can be reviewed or deleted.

Click the InternationalWire link to begin.

1 | Choose the recipient for the InternationalWire Transfer request.

2 | From the drop-downmenus, select a group to Pay From , alongwith the From Account fromwhich to debit the payments and the EffectiveDate to send the payment. Next, enter the Amount.

3 | Enter required information forwhomwill be receiving the transfer.

4 | Review all information.When finished, click Submit .



ThePositivePay feature allows you to compare checks presented for payment against an electronic check issue file to identify fraudulent items. You can enter your issue records directly into the positive pay system or upload an issue file from yourworkstation. The financial institution compares checks presented for payment against your issue file on a nightly basis, notifies you of any exceptions via email, allows you to view images of the checks and instruct the system to either pay or return the items.

Please contact your relationshipmanager or customer service for additional information.



TheSecureMessage feature is a notification servicewhere youwill find Alerts andNotifications regarding your account.Whether it is amessage for a password change or security alert, this is the location to stay up-to-date with your account and our services!

Click the Messages link to begin.

1 | Click on the Message youwould like to read.

2 | Yourmessagewill open in a newwindow. Here you can Reply , Delete , Save & Print yourmessages.



Maintaining current information on your account is very important to us. It allows us to get in touchwith you themoment we notice any suspicious activity, keep you up-to-datewith any account changes and simply guarantee that yourmonthly statement is being delivered to the correct address. Now keeping your personal information current is easier than ever!

Click the Address Change link to begin.

1 | Enter your information in the provided fields.

2 | Select the accounts youwould like to update.

3 | Be sure to double check that your informationwas entered correctly, then click Submit .



Placing aStopPayment for individual ormultiple checks is an optionwith OnlineBanking. If you notice you aremissing checks, please contact us as quickly as possible so that we can take the proper precautions tomaintain the highest level of security against identity theft and fraud.

Click the StopPayment link to begin.

1 | Choose the Account forwhich theStopPayment should bemade.

2 | Enter all pertinent data relating to the check or range of checks.

3 |When you are finished, click Submit . A newwindowwill open confirming the details of your StopPayment transaction. You can either click Approve or Cancel . We recommend printing a copy of the confirmationwindow for your records.


Reorder Checks

Before youwrite your last check, save yourself a trip to the branch by placing your check order request online.

Click the CheckReorder link to begin.

1 | From the Account drop-downmenu, choosewhich account youwould like to reorder checks.

2 |When you have chosen the desired account to order new checks, click Submit .


Account Preferences

TheAccount Preferences feature allows you to change theway your accounts are displayedwithinOnlineBanking. Here you can create “nicknames” for your accounts, like “Payroll Account” or “John’s Checking Account”.

Click the Account link to begin. 1 | The Order feature allows you to prioritize the order inwhich you see your accounts. All accounts are grouped by account type, such as checking, savings, etc., however youwill see this change reflected in your Account Overview page.

2 | Enter any “nicknames” or DisplayNames for your accounts.

3 | Choose how you’d prefer to view your account by choosing either history items or days and the amount of either.

4 | Click Submit when you are finished.


Alert Preferences

Alert Preferences allow you to be in-the-knowwith your account balances, transactions and a variety of other alerts. You can even be alertedwhen a transaction takes place at a specified retailer. Depending on your preference, wewill send you an email, a text message, phone call or a securemessagewhen the alerts you choose are triggered.

Click the Alerts link to begin.

1 | Click the NewAccount Alert drop-downmenu, then choose NewAccount Alert .

2 | Chose from the provided options and enter any information required.

3 |When finished, click OK .



A subsidiary is a secondary or alternate company profile that uses defined payment attributes to replace the primary company attributes and are specific to the subsidiary company.

Click the Subsidiaries link to begin.

1 | Click AddSubsidiary . Youwill then be directed to a secondary screen fromwhich youwill be required to fill in the related fields.

2 | Once you are finished entering necessary information, click OK . Youwill then be directed back to theManageSubsidiaries page.


User Preferences

TheUser Preferences feature allows you to update your online user profile. Where theAddress Change featurewill change your contact information at the account level, thiswill only update your informationwithin your online user profile.

Begin by choosing User from thePreferencesmenu.

1 | Enter your information in the fields provided. Fieldsmarkedwith an asterisk are required fields.

2 |When finished, click Submit .


User Rights

Once you have added aUser, you can allow access to specific accounts, determine the transaction rights and assign limits to the number and amount of the transactions allowed.

Click the User Rights link to begin.

1 | To edit aUser’s rights, select a User from the drop-downmenu.

2 | Notice that User Rights is divided into four tabs. From theAccount tab, select whether theUser can Deposit , View or Withdrawal from the accounts listed. 3 | Select the Transactions youwish tomake available to theUser. From here, you have the option to grant the user permission to Draft , Approve or Cancel certain transactions. You alsomay choosewho views any online activity. 4 | Select the Limits tab to assign the dollar Amount and number of Transactions you allow for theUser.

5 | Click Submit to save your changes.


Bill PayManagement

With this system, youareable toconfigure your Bill Pay options andchoose fromwhichadditional accounts youwould like touse in thepayment process.

Click the Bill PayManagement link to begin. 1 | Select the account youwish to use.

2 |When finished, click Submit .



We gowhere you go. WithMobile Banking, you can access your accounts in just moments. Anyweb-enabled devicewith internet accesswill do. So instead of spending precious time running to the nearest computer or preferred branch, we give you the control tomanage your finances on your own terms. TheMobile Enrollment feature allows you to sync your mobile device to your bank account, for quick and user-friendly access to your account(s). Mobile Enrollment is your first step toMobile Banking.

To begin choose the Mobile tab in thePreferencesmenu. 1 | Check Yes, enablemyUser ID andPassword for usewithmymobile device. 2 | Formobileweb users only, enter your email address, then click Send . 3 |When finished, click Submit . 4 | Activate yourmobile device on the next page.



MobileActivation is an extra securitymeasure to ensure nobody but you is accessing your account.

To begin choose the Mobile tab in thePreferencesmenu. 1 | Next, click on the MobileAuthorization tab and enter any 4 digit code. Youwill need this code tomake transfers and approve transactions using your mobile device. 2 | If youwould like to confirm transactions via email ormobile phone, please list the phone number or email account here. 3 | In thiswindow, select the feature youwould like to enable formobile confirmation. 4 | Click Submit when finished.


Text Banking

The final step in setting up yourMobileBanking access is to complete the Text Banking optionswhichwill access our text services.

To begin choose the Text Banking tab in thePreferencesmenu. 1 | Choose Enable to allow Text Banking on yourmobile device. 2 | Enter your SMS Text Number (if you are using a cell phone, thiswill be your phone number) and choose Agree to Terms . 3 |When finished, click Submit .

Text CommandOptions To ##### For The Following Information:

BAL or BAL Request account balance HIST Request account history XFER

Transfer funds between accounts


Receive a list of keywords

Receive a list of contact points for information on text banking


Stop all text messages to themobile device (for text banking andSMS alerts/notifications)


Security Preferences

To access theSecurity FeatureswithinOnlineBanking, choose Security under thePreferencesmenu. Thiswill allow you to change your password, enter a phishing phrase that will verify you’re on our site, set up security alerts and add your secure delivery contact options. Setting up security alerts is an excellent way to prevent fraud and keep informed of changes to your account and online profile.




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