"What's Changing" Summary
What’s changing? | Positive Pay
New Users Current State —Customers contact American National Bank’s treasury support team to add or modify users. In ANB Go Business —Administrators can create new users in the Positive Pay/ACH Filters. Please reference the Positive Pay/ACH Filters user guide for step-by- step system instructions.
Access Current State —Positive Pay is accessed through a unique website. In ANB Go Business —Positive Pay will be accessed through ANB Go Business using your online banking credentials.
What’s changing? | QuickBooks®/Quicken®
Importing Current State —Transactions are manually imported into Quicken® or QuickBooks.® In ANB Go Business —When setting the import of transactions via Direct Connect or Web Connect, avoid duplicate transactions being imported by setting the date range for the new transactions.
Access Current State —Direct Connect or Web Connect to Quicken® or QuickBooks® is not available. In ANB Go Business —Quicken and QuickBooks Direct Connect, Web Connect, and Express Web Connect are now available and can be associated under the following bank name: American National Bank NE–DC.
What’s changing? | Mobile
Web Application Current State —The web application does not adapt for tablet or mobile view. In ANB Go Business —The full web application can be accessed via your mobile phone and tablet through the website link with all functionality available for you to use and formatted specifically for easy viewing on mobile or tablets.
Mobile App Current State —No mobile app is currently available for business customers. In ANB Go Business —A mobile application will be available on Monday, May 17th at 8:00 a.m. The new mobile app can be found by searching for ANB Go Business in the app store associated with your mobile device. The mobile application allows you to view balances, search and view transactions, initiate transfers, and approve ACH or Wire transactions.
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