"What's Changing" Summary

What’s changing? | Administration

Resetting Passwords Current State —Users must contact American National Bank for assistance with password resets and unlocking online user profiles. In ANB Go Business —Online Administrators can unlock online user profiles and issue temporary passwords for users set up under their company profile. Users will be encouraged to reach out to their online Administrators for assistance with these actions. American National Bank will help facilitate these actions should no online Administrator be designated or is unavailable. Changes to Products or Services Current State —Individuals who are designated on the Business Entity Resolution with the authority to enter or make changes to Treasury Services products must contact the bank to enroll or discontinue specific Treasury products. In ANB Go Business —This process will continue to be the same. Only an authorized individual on the resolution will be able to contact American National Bank for new products or make changes to existing products.

Choosing Online Administrators Current State —Individuals who are designated on the Business Entity Resolution with the authority to enter or make changes to Treasury Services products currently contact the bank and request new users be granted access to business accounts. In ANB Go Business —With ANB Go Business, the individuals on the Business Entity Resolution with authority to enter or make changes to Treasury Services products will appoint initial online Administrators for their company. These online Administrators are then able to create new users and grant specific account access without needing to contact the bank. Control User Access Current State —Individuals who are designated on the Business Entity Resolution with the authority to enter or make changes to Treasury Services products contact the bank and request changes to a specific user’s access. In ANB Go Business —Online Administrators can now control user’s access and can add specific products to that user’s account, at their discretion. You no longer have to contact the bank to create, modify, or deactivate a user’s access. American National Bank recommends that companies use Administrative Dual Control, which allows one Administrator to make changes to a user profile and then requires another Administrator to review and approve those changes. If more than one online Administrator was not designated, then Dual Control will not apply to user management. Audit Reports Current State —There is currently not an audit report available for you to review online activity. In ANB Go Business —Online Administrators will have the ability to review an audit report which tracks all actions taken by all users associated with the company.


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