ANB Go Business User Guide


ANB Go Business User Guide December 14, 2020 - Implementation

Treasury Services

NE/IA: 402-399-5079 | MN: 612-238-4889 |

Last Update: November 10, 2020 | BT Version R7.3.3

Contents Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Widgets and Workspaces ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Adding Widgets............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Moving Widgets ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Resizing and Removing Widgets................................................................................................................................................................... 5 List Views .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Add, Remove, Reorder Columns .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Sort Columns................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Filter Columns .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Save New List Views ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Accessing List Views ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Set Default List Views ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Rename Saved List Views ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Delete Saved List Views................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Canned List Views ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Set Number of Items Per Page ................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Logging In ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Home Menu.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Message of the Day.................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Action Items ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Account Summary Widget .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13 All Accounts Tab......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Drag-and-Drop Transfers....................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Viewing Account Details ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Assigning Nicknames to Accounts ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Balance History Tab.................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Account Activity Tab................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Creating Reports Using Saved Criteria ................................................................................................................................................... 15 Running Saved Reports.......................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Export Tab.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Audit Report ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Electronic Reports .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Payments Widget ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Initiating Payments .................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 ACH Payments....................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 ACH Duplicate Detection ....................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Reversing ACH Payments....................................................................................................................................................................... 20

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Domestic Wire Payments ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21 International Wire Payments................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Approving Payments .................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Navigating to Payments Needing Approval ........................................................................................................................................... 24 Quick Approve Single Payment Using Action Dots................................................................................................................................. 25 View Payment Details Before Approving ............................................................................................................................................... 25 Approving 1+ Payments......................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Deleting Payments ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 View Payment Details Before Deleting .................................................................................................................................................. 26 Deleting 1+ Payments............................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Loan Draws and Loan Payments ..................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Tax Payments.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28 Payment Template Widgets ........................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Creating Templates .................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Initiate from Template ............................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Import from non-NACHA File ..................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Import NACHA Files.................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Quick Transfer Widget .................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Smart Chart..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Statements Widget ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Transaction Search ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Transfers ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Initiating Transfers ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Approving Transfers ................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Stop Payment ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34 User Management .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Alerts .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35 Delivery Points ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Adding Delivery Points for Alerts........................................................................................................................................................... 35 Modifying Email Address/SMS Number for Alerts ................................................................................................................................. 36 Creating Alerts ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Account Activity Alerts .......................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Account Balance Alerts.......................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Event Alerts ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Report Alerts ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 SSOs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 37 Remote Deposit ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Positive Pay ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 37 Bill Pay........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 37 Notices ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37

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Widgets and Workspaces The ANB Go Biz online banking system is composed of workspaces (individual pages) and widgets (modules that are placed on workspaces). Upon logging in, users view the Home workspace with default fixed widgets including Notifications, Account Summary, Smart Chart, and Quick Transfer. See the table below for all workspaces on the site along with the corresponding widgets. All widgets can be added to any workspace. While the widgets indicated in the chart cannot be removed from their associated workspaces, all other widgets can be added to or removed from any page. All customization is saved for subsequent online sessions.



Notifications, Account Summary, Quick Transfer, Smart Chart


Transfer Center

Transfers, Transfer Templates

Stop Payments

Stop Payments

Payment Center

Payments, Payment Templates

Balance & Transaction Reporting

Account Summary, Transaction Search

Statements & Reports

Statements, Electronic Reports

User Management

User Maintenance

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Adding Widgets 1. Navigate to the workspace to which the widget will be added.

2. Click the Add Widget dropdown on the very top right side of the page to display all the available widgets.

3. Click on the widget to be added.

4. The added widget will appear near the top of the screen.

Moving Widgets To move widgets within a workspace, click near the top of the widget and drag to the new location. A dashed box will appear around the widget showing its position as you are dragging it.

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Resizing and Removing Widgets To resize or remove widgets, click the gear icon in the top right corner. Then select either Remove or Resize.

Selecting Remove immediately eliminates the widget from the workspace, but it can be added back at any time by clicking on the Add Widget dropdown on the top right side of any page. The Resize option toggles between half-page width and whole-page width. Clicking on Resize for the above example results in the following.

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List Views List views are powerful tools found throughout the online banking application. This feature allows you to customize how you view banking data in current and future online sessions. The following is an example of a list view.





Add, Remove, Reorder Columns To add, remove, or reorder columns, click on the column icon ( ) on the top right side of the list view (#1 above). This opens the column window.

To add or remove columns , check or uncheck respectively the boxes (A) next to each column. You can also use the Show All button (B) to check or uncheck all boxes simultaneously. The text box (C) at the top of the menu allows users to search the column list which is helpful for list views with a large number of available columns. Reordering columns can be accomplished by clicking and dragging the column names in the column menu. The top of the list corresponds with the left side of the list view, and the checked column headings at the bottom of the column list will be closest to the right on the list view. Another way to move columns is to click the column headers in the list view and drag them left or right to rearrange.




Sort Columns Columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order . Click on the header name (4). An arrow should appear next to the column name. An arrow pointing up indicates that the column is arranged in ascending order, and if pointing down, it indicates that the column is arranged in descending order.

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Filter Columns

List views can be filtered using the filter icon ( ) on the top right side of the list view (2 on page 8). This opens the filter menu. Each column is listed, and users can enter criteria for one or more of these columns. Upon clicking Apply (D), only data that matches the criteria is displayed in the list view. Once a filter is added to the list view, a symbol (E) appears on the list view heading next to any column that is included in the criteria. Additionally, the word ‘ Filters ’ (F) appears on the top left of the list view. The blue number in parentheses indicates how many filters have been applied, and the specific filter criteria can be viewed by clicking on the blue ‘ Show Values’ link. From here, users can easily remove filters by clicking on the ‘x’ (G) next to the filter criteria and can also keep the filters but hide the filter criteria by clicking the ‘ Hide Values ’ link (H).






Make Changes to Existing List Views

1. Navigate to the list view and make the needed changes to the columns or filters. 2. Once complete, click Save next to the list view name.

Save New List Views After adding or removing columns and filtering, users have the ability to save customized list views for direct access.

1. After modifying a list view, click Save As .

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2. Type in a name for the new list view, and click Save .

3. The new list view title appears.

Accessing List Views Click the down arrow next to list title to change views.

Set Default List Views Users can signify a default view to appear every time a user accesses the widget.

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1. To set a list view as default, click the down arrow next to the list name.

2. Click on the 3 dots next to the desired default list view.

3. Click ‘Set as Default.’

Rename Saved List Views Complete steps #1 and #2 above. For step #3, click Rename. Then, type the new list view name, and click Save.

Delete Saved List Views Complete steps #1 and #2 above. In step #3, click Delete and then Yes.

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Canned List Views Throughout the online banking site, there are a variety of preset saved list views. First, most list views have a ‘ Show All ’ view that displays all data without any filters. Other canned list views include ACH Payments, Wire Payments, and Requires My Approval in the Payment Center workspace. Set Number of Items Per Page Most list views display 10 records per page by default. To move between pages, click the > arrow at the bottom right of the list view. To modify the number of records per page, click the down arrow next to ‘Display’ at the bottom right of the list and choose a different number of records to display.

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Logging In

1. Navigate to 2. Enter your Customer ID , User ID , and password . 3. Click Sign In .

Home Menu

By clicking on the icon on the upper left corner of the page, users can access the Home menu from any page in the application. From this menu, users can navigate to any workspace throughout the app.

Clicking on the sign expands each category to show the available workspaces. See the chart to the right for additional information.

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The Notifications widget has two components, the message of the day and action item list, and is always pinned to the Home page but can also be added to other workspaces. Message of the Day American National Bank will post useful information and updates in the Message of the Day section. This can be found on the top left corner of the Notifications widget.

Action Items

Action Items notify users if there is anything that requires their approval which can include ACH and wire payments/reversals, transfers, and user maintenance changes. These are found on the right-hand-side of the Notifications widget.

Click on View to quickly navigate to the approval page.

**Note: The count for payments and account transfers to approve includes any payments that are stale-dated meaning the payments have not been fully submitted or approved in time for the entered effective date. Reject these payments to remove them from the list.

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Account Summary Widget The Account Summary widget allows the you to view and search account data in a variety of ways utilizing four tabs listed across the top of the widget, All Accounts, Balance History, Account Activity, and Export. All Accounts Tab The All Accounts tab in the Account Summary widget displays individual account balances including today's opening ledger, closing available, and current available balances as well as totals for each account category, deposit (checking and savings), loan, and other (certificate of deposit) accounts. Users can click on an account name to access detailed balance and transaction information. The images below show the two available views for the All Accounts tab. Users with access to 20 or fewer total accounts have the option to switch between tile view on the left and list view on the right. The toggle button facilitates this switch, and this setting is saved for future sessions. Users with more than 20 total accounts will only have access to the list view on the right and will not see a toggle button.

Drag-and-Drop Transfers When set to tile view, there is the option to transfer between deposit accounts by clicking and dragging one account over another account. This automatically opens a window to complete the transfer. Viewing Account Details Users can view individual account details by clicking one of the accounts on the Account Summary page. This page allows the user to select a date range and filter the list view to see transactions meeting the search criteria.

Assigning Nicknames to Accounts

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From the All Accounts tab, customer administrators can click on any account to view the account details and modify the account name. This will not actually change the name of the account with the bank, rather assigns a nickname visible to online users.

From the Account Summary widget, this processes is as follows.

1. Choose the All Accounts tab.

2. Click the account whose name you want to change to view the account details page. 3. Click Edit Account Name.

4. Enter the nickname. 5. Click Save.

Balance History Tab From the Balance History tab in the Account Summary widget, users can specify one or more accounts as well as any date in the previous 13 months to view balance information. This type of search yields the opening and closing ledger and closing available balances as well as debits and credits for that date in addition to a summary which includes the sum of all selected accounts.

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Account Activity Tab The Account Activity tab in the Account Summary widget allows users to create, save, and run reports displaying detailed account activity data over a given timeframe.

Users can view all account activity for a particular account or only the activity matching entered criteria.

Creating Reports Using Saved Criteria 1. Complete above steps from the Account Activity Tab section. 2. At the bottom of the search results page, check the checkbox labeled Save this report criteria .

3. Enter a name for the report and click Save .

4. This returns the user to the Account Activity tab of the Account Summary widget

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Running Saved Reports To run a saved report, navigate to the Account Activity tab of the Account Summary widget, click on the three Action Dots next to the report you wish to run, and click Run.

Export Tab The Export tab of the Account Summary widget allows users to export their data in 4 different formats, BAI, comma- delimited (CSV), QuickBooks (QBO), and Quicken (QFX).

Simply navigate to the Export tab, select the format, account(s), and a date range. Then click the Export button.

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Audit Report

The Audit Report widget can be accessed by online administrators. This report displays the date and time of all actions taken by all users. This widget is not automatically pinned to any workspace and can be added by clicking Add Widget on the top right corner of the page, and clicking Audit Report. Once this has been added, the widget consists of a list of all actions which can be filtered by Action Taken, Date and Time, Description, Session ID, or User ID columns.

Electronic Reports

Three types of reports are available within the online banking site including ACH Remittance Detail, Direct Send ACH Recon, and Incoming Wire Detail reports. You can find these reports by accessing the Main Menu, expanding the Reporting category, and clicking Statements and Reports. In the Electronics Report widget, select the Report Type from the dropdown and a date range. Then click Submit. The available reports will appear in the list to view, print, or save.

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Payments Widget

The Payments widget is permanently pinned to the Payment Center workspace and can be accessed from the Home menu by expanding Payments & Transfers and then clicking Payment Center . Users can initiate and approve ACH and wire payment in accordance with their permissions and also make loan and tax payments as well as loan draws. The list view in the Payments widget is quite extensive, and users are encouraged to create custom list views to meet their business needs.

Initiating Payments

ACH Payments

1. Navigate to the Payments widget . 2. Click Initiate Payment . 3. Select the appropriate type of ACH transaction. Consumer Collections Drawing funds from external personal accounts. Consumer Payments Sending money to external personal accounts. Consumer Payments & Collections Consumer Collections and Payments in the same file Corporate Collections Drawing funds from external business accounts Corporate Payments Sending funds to external business accounts Corporate Payments & Collections Corporate Collections and Payments in the same file

4. Enter a payment name. This is not as included as part of the ACH file is to help the user identify the payment. 5. Enter your information as the Originator. a. Choose an ACH Sender. b. Choose an offset account This is the user’s account where the funds will be withdrawn for payments and credited for collections. c. Enter a payment description. d. Optional: Enter discretionary data. e. Select a transaction date. This is the date on which the funds will be deposited or withdrawn. Only available dates are selectable based on cutoff times and NACHA rules. 6. Optional: Enter a descriptive date.

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7. Enter the Receiver Information. a. Enter the name of the receiver. For collections, this is the person you are pulling the funds from. For payments, this is the person you are sending funds to. b. Optional: Enter an ID to distinguish the receiver from other receivers. c. Optional: Enter Disc Data . d. Enter the receiver’s account number. e. Enter the receiver’s routing number. f. Select the Account Type from the dropdown menu. g. Leave the Addenda Type dropdown set to No Addenda or select an addenda type and enter the addendum in the box that appears. h. Choose a transaction state – Active, Frozen, or Prenote. i. Enter the transaction amount. 8. Click Save & Continue. 9. Review all entered transaction information.

10. Optional: Add additional receivers. a. Click Add A Receiver .

b. Enter receiver information on the next page and click Add. c. Repeat steps 10a and 10b until all receivers are added.

11. Optional: Modify receivers. a. If you only need to modify amounts, click Modify Amounts labeled 11a above. This unlocks the amounts in the grid for easy modification. b. Click the small save button to the left of the grid. c. To modify other receiver information, click the 3 action dots next to the transaction that needs to be changed (11b above). Then, make all necessary edits and click Save & Edit Next to continue modifying receivers or click Save to return to the list view. d. To modify all or most amounts, click Zero All Amounts followed by Modify Amounts. Then edit the appropriate amounts and click the small Save button. 12. Once all receivers have been added and adjusted, click Send Payment.

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13. You should receive a success message and see the new payment in the list view highlighted in blue.

ACH Duplicate Detection The ANB Go Biz site checks all ACH payments for potential duplicates regardless of whether the payments are input via freeform, ACH import, or NACHA import. This check happens when the payment reaches either the Sent or Submitted For Approval status. You will receive a duplicate warning if the payment matches the effective entry date, number of credits, number of debits, and total payment amount of a previous payment. The warning does not stop the approval or processing steps, though, so if the payment is an accidental duplicate, you need to take action to delete the payment. If the delete option is not available, please call Treasury Services.

Reversing ACH Payments ACH payments can be reversed through the online portal in accordance with NACHA guidelines.

1. Locate the ACH payment that requires reversal. 2. Click the 3 Action Dots. 3. Click Reverse. 4. Select the Reason For Reversal from the dropdown. 5. Choose the Transaction Date on which you would like the reversal to process. Only available dates will appear in the list according to NACHA rules.

6. To delete all the transactions in the ACH payment, choose the Select Payment Set radio button. 7. To delete only certain transactions in the ACH payment, choose the Select Individual Transactions . Then select the checkboxes next to the transactions that need to be reversed.

8. Click Submit For Approval or Send Reversal depending on whether the payment requires approval.

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Another method for navigating to the reversal screen is to select View from the 3 Action Dots next to the payment and then click the Reverse button.

Domestic Wire Payments

1. Navigate to the Payments widget . 2. Click Initiate Payment . 3. Select Domestic Wire .

4. In the Originator Information section, select the From Account from the dropdown menu. This is your account from which the funds will be withdrawn for the wire payment. 5. Enter the Beneficiary Information including the receiver’s name and at least one address line . 6. In the Payment Details section, enter the receiver’s bank code (which is the routing number) and account number .

7. Enter the transaction amount . 8. Select the transaction date from the calendar dropdown menu. Only the available dates can be chosen which excludes weekends and holidays. 9. Optional: Enter the purpose for the wire . 10. If needed, expand the Additional Payment Details sections to enter any necessary information. 11. Click Confirm .

12. Review all payment details. 13. Click Modify to make changes or click Submit for Approval if everything is correct.

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14. Review messaging and list view status to ensure successful submission.

International Wire Payments 1. Navigate to the Payments widget . 2. Click Initiate Payment . 3. Select International Wire .

4. Select the type of currency . The exchange rates between the US Dollars and selected currency will display on the page below. 5. In the Originator Information

section, select the From Account from the dropdown menu. This is your account from which the funds will be withdrawn for the wire payment. 6. Enter the Beneficiary Information including the receiver’s name and at least two address lines .

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7. In the Payment Details section, choose whether the receiver’s routing number is domestic or international and select the appropriate radio button. 8. Enter the receiver’s bank code (which is the routing number) and the account number. 9. In the Amount Type dropdown menu, select USD Equivalent or Foreign Amount to indicate the currency for the wire payment amount entered. If you select USD

Equivalent and enter $1, this means you are sending 1 US Dollar. If you select Foreign Amount and enter 1, this means you are sending 1 of whatever foreign currency was selected above. 10. The Exchange Rate automatically populates and changes dynamically based on chosen currency, so no input is needed. 11. Select the transaction date . Only available dates are listed which do not include weekends and holidays. 12. Optional: Enter the purpose of the wire. 13. In the Charges box, choose who is responsible for additional international wire charges. 14. In the Additional Payment Details section, expand the Intermediary Bank, Originator To Beneficiary Information, and Bank To Bank Information sections and enter all necessary data. 15. Click Confirm .

16. Review all payment details. 17. Click Modify to make changes or click Submit for Approval if everything is correct.

18. Review messaging and list view status to ensure successful submission.

Approving Payments Depending on your business’s online banking setup, dual control might be required meaning one user can initiate a payment and either that user or another user needs to approve the payment before it can be sent for processing. Once a payment is initiated, the messaging and status will indicate whether additional intervention is required. The Status column in the Payments list view indicates whether approval is needed and whether a specific user can approve the payment. In the below image, the first ACH payment never required an approval or already was approved. The second payment can be approve d by the user currently signed in. The third payment requires a different user’s approval, and the fourth payment has not yet been submitted for approval.

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Navigating to Payments Needing Approval From Home Page: To navigate directly to payments needing approval from the Home page, check the Action Items located in the upper right corner of the page. Click on Payments To Approve .

This takes you directly to the Requires My Approval list view in the Payment Center.

From Payment Center: To navigate to payments needing approval from the Payment Center, click the down arrow next to the List View title. Select Requires My Approval .

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Quick Approve Single Payment Using Action Dots 1. To approve a payment, click on the three action dots next to the payment. 2. Click Approve. 3. Verify that the correct payment is listed. 4. If this is the incorrect payment, either click Remove or Cancel. 5. If the correct payment is listed, click Approve. 6. Enter the OTP code. 7. Note success message, and verify that the status has changed in the list view.

View Payment Details Before Approving 1. Click on the three action dots next to the payment. 2. Click View. 3. Evaluate details of the payment. 4. If everything is correct, click Approve at the bottom of the screen, and enter the OTP code. 5. If the details are incorrect, click Reject so that the payment can be modified. If the correct payment is listed, click Approve.

6. View success message, and verify that the status has changed in the list view.

Approving 1+ Payments

1. Click the checkboxes next to the payment or payments you wish to approve. 2. Click the Approve button at the bottom of the list view. 3. Examine the list of payments to approve. a. If there are payments that should not be approved, click Remove. b. If the payment list is correct, click Approve at the bottom to process the approval.

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4. Verify success messaging and status changes. Once approved, the ACH status will change to Ready to Process, and the wire status changes to Approved.

Deleting Payments 1. To delete a payment, click on the three action dots next to the payment. 2. Click Delete. 3. Verify that the correct payment is listed. 4. If this is the incorrect payment, either click Remove or Cancel. 5. If the correct payment is listed, click Delete. 6. Note success message, and verify that the status has changed in the list view.

View Payment Details Before Deleting 1. Click on the three action dots next to the payment. 2. Click View. 3. Evaluate details of the payment. 4. If this is the correct payment, click Delete at the bottom of the screen. Then, click Delete again.

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5. If this is the incorrect payment, click Back to return to the list.

6. View success message, and verify that the status has changed in the list view.

Deleting 1+ Payments

1. Click the checkboxes next to the payment or payments you wish to delete. 2. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the list view. 3. Examine the list of payments to delete. a. If there are payments that should not be deleted, click Remove. b. If the payment list is correct, click Delete at the bottom to process.

4. Verify success messaging and status changes.

Note: Wire payments in an Approved status cannot be canceled through the online banking site. Please contact Treasury Services to cancel wire payments.

Loan Draws and Loan Payments Navigate to the Payments widget, click Initiate Payment, and then select Loan Payment or Loan Draw. Select the Funding Account and Loan Account. In the Payment Options dropdown, choose either Regular Payment or Principal Only. Enter the payment amount and optionally a memo. Click Submit.

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Tax Payments To make a tax payment, navigate to the Payments Widget, click Initiate Payment, and then select Tax Payment. Enter all necessary information, and click Submit for Approval.

Payment Template Widgets Creating Templates

To create an ACH template, navigate to the Payment Templates widget located on the Payment Center workspace. Click Create Payment Template . Enter all payment information as if you were creating a new payment. See the Initiating Payments section starting on page 19. Once all of the information is correct, click Save to save the template for future use, or click Initiate to save the template and initiate a payment based off this template.

Initiate from Template

To initiate a payment using an existing template, navigate to the Payment Templates widget located on the Payment Center workspace. Click the 3 Action Dots next to the payment, and select Initiate. Then click Submit or Submit for Approval depending on your organizations approval requirements. Import from non-NACHA File 1. To create an ACH template, navigate to the Payment Templates widget located on the Payment Center workspace. 2. Click Create Payment Template. 3. Select the Payment Type from the dropdown menu. 4. Enter the Originator Information, and complete the Receiver Information section for the first payment in your file. 5. Click Save. 6. In the Transaction Details section, click Upload Transactions. 7. Select the bank-created map you will be using for your import. 8. In the Upload Mode dropdown, select Add Entries to create new payments, Update Entries to update existing payments in your file, or Add and Update Entries to do both. 9. Drag your file onto the page, or click select file to find the file on your computer. 10. Click Submit or Submit for Approval to send the file. Import NACHA Files Navigate to the Payment Template widget located on the Payment Center workspace. Select the Import tab. Select the Create New Payments or Create New Templates radio button. Then, eit her drag your file onto the widget or click ‘select file’ to search for the file on your computer. Once successfully imported, select and verify the date transaction date and offset account. Click Create Payment. Click Submit for Approval or Submit dependi ng on your organization’s approval requirements.

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Quick Transfer Widget The Quick Transfer widget allows convenient initiation of simple transfers. Users can easily submit a one-time transfer between ANB deposit or loan accounts with minimal clicks from any workspace. These transfers will appear on the transfer report list view in the transfer widget after submission.

To submit a transfer, follow the steps below.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Navigate to the Quick Transfer widget or add it to a workspace. Use the dropdown menus to select the from/to accounts .

Choose a Transfer Date . Enter the Transfer Amount . Optional: Enter a memo .

Click Submit .

If dated for today, a balance check will be performed upon clicking submit, and the transaction will not process if there are insufficient funds in the From Account. Otherwise, the balance check will be performed on the date of transfer.

Smart Chart The Smart Chart widget is pinned to the Home workspace by default but can be added/removed from any page. This widget shows a graphical summary of all deposit accounts using two different charts. The bar graph on the left shows the total opening balance of all deposit accounts combined for the past five business days. Weekends and holidays are excluded from this chart. On the right, the pie chart demonstrates the distribution of total credits and debits for the current month. Red represents all the debits, and green shows the credits

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Statements Widget

The Statements widget is permanently placed on the Statements and Reports workspace which is accessed using the Home menu, expanding the Reporting heading, and clicking Statements and Reports .

Users can access statements for the previous 13 months using the following process.

1. Select an account from the

dropdown menu. Users can only select one account per search. 2. Select a Statement Period – Last Month, Last 3 Months, Last 6 Months, Last 12 Months – OR Optional: Click Custom Range to enter a starting month/year and ending month/year. (To return to the preset date ranges, click Cancel .)

3. Click Submit . 4. The results list shows all available statements within the statement period. Click on the date to view the associated statement which will open as a pdf in another tab. From there, users can print or save the document.

Transaction Search The Transaction Search widget allows users to search for transactions over a given timeframe.

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1. Click the down arrow under Accounts to select individual accounts 2. Click the calendar icon under Date to choose a date range.

3. Optional: Click Show Additional Filters .

4. Optional: Choose a transaction type .

5. Optional: Enter an Amount or click Range to enter a range of amounts.

6. Click Submit .

7. To change search criteria, click Refine Search .

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Transfers The Transfers widget is composed of four tabs, Transfers, Recurring Instructions, Transfer Templates, and Import Manager, and it is always pinned to the Transfer Center. From the Home page, users can access the Transfer Center by opening the Main Menu using the three-line icon in the upper left, clicking Payments & Transfers, and then selecting Transfer Center.

Initiating Transfers 1. To initiate transfers, click Initiate Transfer(s) .

2. Enter a From Account , To Account , Transfer Date , Amount , and optionally a Memo .

3. Optional: To submit more than one transfer at the same time, enter the number of additional transfers and click Additional Transfer . Users can also adjust the number of transfers by clicking the + or - signs.

4. Optional: Check the Save as a Template box to create a template and initiate a transfer at the same time.

5. Optional: Check the Add Recurring Instruction box to create a recurring transfer.

6. Click Submit.

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Approving Transfers

Customers who have opted for dual control with transfers require an approval for all initiated transfers. The Action Items in the Notification widget on the Home page tells users how many transfers, if any, are pending their approval. 1. Clicking the Transfers to Approve action item takes the user directly to the “Requires My Approval” list view in the Transfer Center.

2. There are two ways to approve the transfer.

a) Click on the three action dots next to the transfer to approve. Then, click Approve . OR

b) Check the box under the All column next to any payment or payments to be approved. Then choose the Approve button at the bottom.

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Stop Payment

The Stop Payment widget is always located on the Stop Payment workspace but can be added to any page. To access this workspace, click the main menu, expand Payments & Transfers, and then click Stop Payments.

To add a Stop Payment, follow the steps below after navigating to the widget.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Click Add Stop Request(s).

Choose the account.

Enter the check number.

Optional: Enter the check amount, issue date, and payee. Optional: Choose a stop reason from the dropdown. Optional: Click the + to enter an additional stop payment or enter the total number of stop requests to add.




Click Submit.

8. Note the stop payment has been added to the list view. 9. To view the details, click on the 3 action dots and then click View.

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User Management Online administrators can use the User Management widget to add and modify users. To access this widget, click the Main Menu button on the top left corner and then selecting User Management. Click Add New User to add a completely new user. To create a new user from an existing user, locate the existing user in the list view, click the three Action Dots , and choose Copy User .

To reset a user’s password , click the three Action Dots next to the user, and choose Reset Password .


There are multiple different types of alerts that can be used with the new online banking application. These can be received via email and/or SMS. Users can navigate to the Alert Manager by opening the Main Menu , clicking on their name to expand the menu, and then selecting Alerts .

Delivery Points Users can enter various email addresses and SMS numbers and choose which alerts go to which delivery point(s). These can be set up during alert creation or as a separate process.

Adding Delivery Points for Alerts 1. Navigate to the Alert Manager. 2. Click the Delivery Points tab.

3. Click on Add Additional Delivery Point . 4. Select Email or SMS Number from the dropdown. 5. Enter an email address or SMS number. 6. Enter a nickname (work email, personal email, etc) to identify the delivery point. This is the only way users can identify delivery points when creating alerts. 7. Click Add .

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