Austin Telco Federal Credit Union Digital Banking User Guide


C. Filter your payments by category using the “Category” drop-down. To set up a category, see page 147. D. Locate payees using the search bar. E. All your payees are listed on the left side of your screen. F. Biller Connect displays eBills awaiting additional action, such as setup or payment. G. All pending transactions appear in the “Pending” section. H. View transaction history for the last 45 days in the “History” section. I. Click the View More button to see further details about a pending transaction. J. Click the Edit button to edit a pending transaction. K. Click the View button to see more details about a processed transaction. L. Click the “Messages” link to view secure messages for Bill Pay. M. Click the “Chat Now” link to speak with a customer services representative about Bill Pay concerns.

Bill Pay: Advanced Bill Pay Overview

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