Country Bank Business Customer Digital Banking Admin Guide

Getting Started4
Logging In4
Business Online Banking Overview6
Transaction Type Overview7
Business Online Banking Transaction Types7
Business Banking8
Manage Users Overview8
User Management Overview9
Adding a New User10
Part 1 of 5: Authorizing Access to Specific Accounts12
Part 2 of 5: Establishing Transaction Type Entitlements13
Part 3 of 5: Disabling a Transaction Type14
Part 4 of 5: Editing Approval Limits for a Transaction Type15
Part 5 of 5: Dual Control16
Edit User17
User Details Tab18
Accounts Tab18
Money Movement Tab18
Business Payments Tab19
3rd Party Tab20
Independent Services Tab21
Disable User22
Secure Message Overview24
Sending a Secure Message25
Create Payment26
Add Recipient27
ACH - Recipient Account Detail28
ACH & Wire - Receiving Bank Detail30
ACH & Wire - Receiver and Intermediary Detail33
Domestic Wire - Receiving Bank Detail34
Domestic Wire - Receiver and Intermediary Detail36
Editing a Payee38
Deleting a Payee39
Create Batch Payee List40
Mobile Add Recipients44
Mobile Create Payment45
Import Batch from File46
Import ACH File46
Import Delimited File48
Import Fixed Length File52
Create Payment55
Create a Payment55
One-time Payment Create a one-time single transaction with out saving the recipient’s information.58
Make Batch Payment59
Tax Payment62
ACH Batch Upload64
Editing a Batch68
Deleting a Batch69
Pay Again70
Editing a Transaction72
Deleting a Transaction72
Viewing, Approving or Denying a Transaction73
Account Reporting76
Creating a New Report76
Deleting an Existing Report77
Editing an Existing Report78
Running an Existing Report79
Stop Payment Request80
Single Check80
Range of Checks82
About Us84

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