Pueblo Bank and Trust Bank Business Online User Guide for Desktop


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5. Report Layout: This section allows you to organize how the report displays. • Select the “View” check box next to any fields to have them show on the report. • Under Prioritize, use the arrows to change the order in which information appears. For example, select the upward arrow to have a field listed before others, or the select the downward arrow to have other fields listed before it. • Use Freeze to lock fields when viewing a report. This will hold certain fields in view while you explore the rest of the report information. 6. (Optional) At this time, you may choose to select the “Share to All Users” check box if you want to have this report available for other users to view. If you selected New Shared Report previously, this box will already be selected. 7. Click the Run Report button to generate the report. 8. Alternatively, you may wish to save the report for your own use at a later time by clicking the Save to My Reports button. This option will both save the report and generate a report to view. 10a 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10b 1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 7b 8b 9b 10c 1c 2c 3c 4c 5c 6c 7c 8c 9c 10d 11a 12a 13a 14a 15a 16a 17a 18a 19a 20a 11b 12b 13b 14b 15b 16b 17b 18b 19b 20b 1d 2d 3 4d 5 6d 7d 8d 9d J1 A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1 I1 J2 A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 H2 I2 J3 A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 H3 I3

Reporting: Using the Report Builder Utility

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