"What's Changing" Summary

What’s changing? | Transfers

Transfer History Current State —No transfer history currently displays except in transaction history. In ANB Go Business —Transfer history can be found in the “Transfer Center” of ANB Go Business starting May 17. Both transfer and transaction history will be available for 13 months.

Importing Transfers Current State —Importing transfers is not currently offered. In ANB Go Business —Importing transfers will be available to all company Administrators. The Administrators will have the authority to grant permissions to their employees. After creating a transfer import map, users can create a corresponding file with transfer details and import the file to initiate transfers.

Transfer Availability Current State —Transfers are an available requested service.

In ANB Go Business —The Administrators will have the authority to grant permissions to their employees. If you currently have transfer permissions, you will still have them on ANB Go Business.

What’s changing? | Loans

Future-dated Principal Only Payments Current State —Future-dated Principal-only loan payments are available using the Transfer function. In ANB Go Business —Future-dated Principal-only Loan Payments are not currently available. This feature may be available in the future.

Principal Only Payments Current State —Principal-only loan payments are offered and currently completed by using the “Transfer” function. In ANB Go Business —These payments can be made through the Payment Center by clicking on “Initiate Payment” and selecting “Loan Payment” in the Payment Type dropdown. Interest Only Payments Current State —Interest-only loan payments are an available option. In ANB Go Business —Interest-only loan payments can be established by working with your banker. The recommended action is to set up interest-only payments at the time of account opening. These payments cannot be established within ANB Go Business.


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