"What's Changing" Summary

What’s changing? | Statements & Notices

HTML Statements Current State —At the end of your statement period, you have access to an HTML version of your statement. Within three business days, your full statement is available for review. In ANB Go Business —In ANB Go Business, HTML statements will no longer be offered. Full statements will be available to you within two business days of the statement end date. eStatements Current State —You can access up to 24 months of eStatements through your existing Online Banking profile. In ANB Go Business —You will still be able to retrieve historical statements through ANB Go Business. As a measure of good record keeping, we advise you to save the last 12 months of statements from the existing online experience if immediate access is needed.

Monthly Statement Current State —Your monthly statement currently generates on a specific day of the month. It is then available to you via your preferred method of online availability or mailed to your address on file. In ANB Go Business —On ANB Go Business, your account statement will continue to generate on the same date as before. Please note: You will receive a mid-month statement that includes transactions that have posted to your account through May 14th along with a second statement from May 17th through your normal statement cut date. Account and Account Analysis Statements Current State —Account Statements and Account Analysis Statements are located under “Documents” when viewing Account History. In ANB Go Business —To access Account Statements in ANB Go Business, navigate to the “Reporting” menu and select “Statements and Reports”. From this menu, you can retrieve your statements from a specific period. These are labeled as Deposit Statements. If you have a combined statement (one statement with multiple accounts), the statement can be pulled under any of the account numbers. Account Analysis Statements are displayed along with your Account Statements when searching over a specific period. These are labeled as Analysis Statements. Transaction Notices Current State —ACH Chargeback, Credit Back, Correction Notices, and Returned Deposited Items are located under “Documents” when viewing Account History. In ANB Go Business —To retrieve these statements in ANB Go Business, navigate to the “Notices” option under “Other Services” in the menu. These notices will be granted to Administrators automatically and can be assigned to other users, as necessary. These notices will continue to be mailed to the business address as well.


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